My wife thinks I did a really nice job, which is all the reward I need.
This room took awhile. Before Christmas, I painted the walls and ceiling. Getting the flooring waited until after the holidays. Then it has to acclimate while I trimmed in the fireplace (which took several weekends). I, also, had a custom hickory mantle made for me.
Eventually, I was able to get to the flooring. Solid hickory, same as my piano room.
Most of it went well, albeit slowly since we were using the room and I could only demo as I marched across the room. The only real problem is in the far corner, where the subfloor drops off. I did what I could to level that area, but it is what it is. Uneven floors lead to gaps between boards. Que sera, sera.
Of course, you never see these things until you start laying lines on the floor with a laser level.
But the floor is in. The trim is back up. The room is done. My wife likes it.